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1. Every student should carry his/her school communication diary to school each day. 2. Student should take good care of their health and keep themselves neat and clean (always neatly dressed). 3. Non-Sikh boys should get their hair cut at regular intervals. 4. Care must be taken of all the school property students should not write or draw anything on the walls or furniture or in any way damage things belonging to others. Damage done even by accident should be reported at once to the class teacher or to the principal. 5. Our student should observe polite manners wherever they are. They should always remember that the school is judged by their conduct. Bullying and use of foul language (are punishable offences) are strictly prohibited. 6. Non-compliance of the school rules and instructions can result in expulsion from the school 7. Payment can be done by cheque/Demand Draft or pay order, only when the fee exceeds Rs 500. 8. All cheques / Demand Draft/Pay Order should only be in favour of Ignite International School, Raipur. 9. Any cheque/ DD which is drawn on scheduled Bank situated within Bhilai-Durg City only is acceptable. 10. The date of presentation of the cheque will be treated as date of payment, provided the cheque is not dishonoured. 11. Any cheque returned by the bank will be treated under the category of non-payment of fees. Then the payment of the same-should be made in case mode with fine applicable as per the rule along with a fine of Rs 50/- against the dishonoured cheque. In future the school will not accept any cheque from the concern student. 12. Parents are requested not to enter classrooms to see their children or teachers during class hours without prior permission of the principal. 13. Parents are required to inform the school if there is any change in their address and telephone numbers. 14. Parents should meet the principal in case of any legitimate complaint at the earliest or write to the Principal. 15. Name, Enrollment No, Class, and Section of the student should be clearly marked on all the belongings of the student, for e.g., sweater, napkins, water bottle etc. 16. Parents are required to co-operate with school in its attempt to help their children progress by paying attention to their regularity, punctuality and discipline. They should check the communication diary daily. 17. Parents are advised not to send valuable articles for e.g. expensive pens, watches, jewellery etc to school. In case of loss, school shall not take any responsibility. 18. Parents are requested to personally see off and receive their wards at the scheduled stop. 19. Parents and guardians are requested to read and explain the school rules to their ward. 20. A student returning to school after suffering from an infection or contagious disease should produce a doctor's fitness certificate permitting him to do so. 21. Every absence (due to sickness or otherwise) must be entered briefly in the communication diary in the non-attendance/leave record pages and signed by the parents or guardians. 22. Parents are requested to send a leave application if the child has to be absent for more than one day. 23. A clear calendar month's notice in written or a month's fee in lieu of notice must be given before the pupil is withdrawn. Certificate is issued only when all the dues of the school are settled. 24. Rs. 100 will be charged for issuance of T.C.