
Our programs cater to children from babyhood right up to the age of five and a half years. Our goals is to give children the best start in life and provide them with a well-rounded education that will help them grow by leaps and bounds throughout their formative years.

Playgourp program is and extension of home. Often, this is the frist time; a child is away from the comfort of familiar people and surroundings and steps into strange world. Our curriculum for playgroup provides children with an array of induvidual/small & large group activities. We encourage children to develop unique skills, interest and strength by introducing them to various activities that includes puppet shows, water plays, sand play,field trips, coloring and scribbling etc.


1.5 - 2.5

Quality education in early years of Pre- School is the key to overall development of a kid. Our nursery programs is crafted around the age appropriate needs and skill sets of kids. Initially, this program contains pattern writing that helps the child improve his hand - eye coordination, it includes pre-writing, pre-reading, pre-math, science and socials skils. Other readiness activities such as dramatics, art & craft and role plays are performed in a fun filled purposeful manner.


2.5 - 3.5

Our kindergarte program facilitates a smooth transition from easy atmosphere of play school to a more formal and structred way of learing. The two kindergarte years focus on enhanced writing and reading skills, simple and complex everyday math skills, and science, social and extra-curricular activities. We encourage language development through letter and sound recognition, writing activities, reading, stories, singing, nursery rhymes, and finger plays.


3.5 - 4.5

The senior Kindergarten program aims at providing environment that can gradually, but firmly establishes attitude in children's mind, which in turn can instill in the students the joy of learning,


4.5 - 5.5